Last 10 Clients & Favorites

- loggedUserID
- loggedUserName
- loggedPowerUser

- curClientID
- curSiteID
- curProgramID
- updOth

- curChgPwd
- curConfAgree

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Having trouble with this application? Please enter the issue that you are having in the box below. Please be thorough, the more details we have, the better chance we can get this taken care of quickly.
  1. Welcome!

    Welcome to the newly coded HCP program.

    While the application looks different, the functionality is the same as the program that you are used to.

    This program has been written to work on all modern browsers and on all types of devices. You can use the HCP program on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

    Follow the links to learn a little more about this program.

  2. Clients

    You can access the last 10 clients searched as well as those clients that you have marked as favorites anytime using this dropdown box.

    Upon selecting a client their information will appear below this dropdown and will be available for viewing and editing.

    You can select a new client at any time from any page.

  3. Main Menu

    All of the main menu items are listed in the black bar at the top of the application. This is similar to the original program to keep things easier to find.

  4. HCP Menu

    Depending on the device that you are using the HCP menu will be found in different places.

    On larger screens the HCP menu will display on the left hand side of the application similar to the current application.

    On small screens the HCP menu will display in the black bar at the top of the screen. By designing the pages in this manner, we utilitize the screen space for the important work that this application handles.

  5. Thanks!

    The HCP program is ready to for use. Some of the things that you will notice when using the program.

    Buttons are always red and blue. Most often red buttons will delete and cancel while blue buttons will add and update data.

    Warning messages are always displayed above the forms. All errors will be listed in orange and form fields that need data corrected will also be highlighted in orange.

    Success messages are always displayed above the forms as well and will always be highlighted in green.

    Getting used to something new is always difficult at first but we hope that the changes made here will allow your work to be done more quickly and efficiently and from all kinds of different devices. If you have any questions or concerns as you are using the new program, please feel free to let us know.